Complete Guide on Numerology Alphabet Number Chart – Pythagorean & Chaldean

Would you like to know the hidden power behind your name? Many people do not know the importance of the name in their life. Are you curious enough to discover the secrets of your name with the help of Numerology Alphabet Number Chart? By calculating the numerological meaning of your name using our charts, you can unravel the mysteries of your personality, destiny, and life path.

Names have power

― Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Imagine understanding yourself and others on a deeper level. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you gain the knowledge you need to empower yourself to make informed decisions and to navigate the road of life with confidence and clarity. In this post, we will help you understand the art of numerology by focusing on how to apply numerology alphabet number charts. These charts are a cornerstone of numerology allowing individuals to calculate their name number – a key aspect of one’s numerological profile. In this article we will cover the information and resources you need to explore the intriguing field of name numerology, no matter if you are skeptical, interested, or a seasoned pro.

Alphabet Number Chart in Numerology

The alphabet number chart is an important part of numerology because it shows what numbers go with each letter in your name. Numerologists and people who are just interested can use this method to turn the vibrational patterns of names into numerical values. These values can then be used to learn about personality traits, life paths, and fates.The Pythagorean and Chaldean charts are two of the most well-known methods used for this purpose. Each has its own way of showing how letters and numbers relate to each other.[numerology alphabet number chart]

Pythagorean Alphabet Number Chart

The Pythagorean system, named after the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, is the most widely used method in Western numerology. Pythagoras was not only a mathematician but also a mystic who believed in the profound spiritual significance of numbers. His system assigns the numbers 1-9 to the letters of the alphabet in a sequential order. This arrangement is straightforward, dividing the alphabet into a series of nine-letter sequences, each letter associated with a number from 1 to 9, then repeating the cycle.

Here is a simplified breakdown of the Pythagorean Alphabet Number Chart:


Also Read: What is Pythagorean Numerology?

Chaldean Alphabet Number Chart

The Chaldean system originating from the ancient civilization of Chaldea in the southern part of Babylon, offers a distinct approach. Unlike the Pythagorean method the Chaldean chart assigns numbers 1-8 to the letters emphasizing the vibrational qualities of numbers and their astrological significance. This system is considered more mystical and complex taking into account the unique energy each letter emits, rather than a straightforward sequential assignment.

A notable difference is that the Chaldean chart does not assign the number 9 to any letter, due to the sacred significance of this number, which is considered to hold divine qualities. Thus the distribution focuses more on the vibration and energy of numbers 1-8.[numerology alphabet number chart]

Here is a glimpse into the Chaldean Alphabet Number Chart:


Also Read: What is Chaldean Numerology?

Calculating Your Name Number Using the Pythagorean Chart

Pythagorean numerology Chart
Write out your full name: In order to get your original name number, also known as your Destiny number, enter your full birth name. Your birth certificate or formal identity document will provide your full name. If you have a middle name, make sure that you include it. 
Let us illustrate this with the example name 'Richard Miller'.
Assign Numbers to Letters: Refer to the Pythagorean Alphabet Number Chart and assign the appropriate number to each letter in your name.
Using our example of 'Richard Miller'
R = 9 I = 9 C = 3 H = 8 A = 1 R = 9 D = 4    M = 4 I = 9 L = 3 L = 3 E = 5 R = 9
Add Up the Numbers: Once you have assigned numbers to all the letters in your name, add them together to get a total.
Using our example;
Adding the numbers: 9 + 9 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 9 = 76
Please Note: In the event that you tally up the letters in your name and the total comes out to be either 11, 22, or 33, you should not reduce the numbers and stop the calculation. These are the three Master numbers, which can bring a dimension of difficulty to the personality you are uncovering or the subject of numerology that you are researching. Master Numbers should be left in their double-digit form. There is a distinct personality explanation for each of these three numbers.

Reduce to a Single Digit: If the total is a double-digit number, continue adding the digits together until you get a single-digit number.
Using our example;
Reducing to a single digit: 76 = 7 + 6 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4

Interpret the Result: The resulting single-digit number is your Pythagorean name number. Each number has its significance in numerology, representing different personality traits and characteristics.
Using our example;
Pythagorean Name Number for "Richard Miller" is 4
Please Note: In the event that you tally up the letters in your name and the total comes out to be either 11, 22, or 33, you should not reduce the numbers. These are the three Master numbers, which can bring a dimension of difficulty to the personality you are uncovering or the subject of numerology that you are researching. Master Numbers should be left in their double-digit form. There is a distinct personality explanation for each of these three numbers.

Calculating Your Name Number Using the Chaldean Chart

Chaldean Numerology chart
Write out your full name: Select your complete birth name to get your original name number, commonly referred to as your Destiny number. Your entire name will appear on your birth certificate or official identity document. Make sure to include your middle name if you have one. 
Let us illustrate this with the example name 'Miley Cyrus'.

Assign Numbers to Letters: Follow the Chaldean Alphabet Number Chart to assign numbers to each letter in your name.
Using our example of 'Miley Cyrus'
M = 4 I = 1 L = 3 E = 5 Y = 1     C = 3 Y = 1 R = 2 U = 6 S = 3

Add Up the Numbers: Add together all the numbers associated with the letters in your name.
Using our example;
Adding the numbers: 4 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 6 + 3 = 29
Please Note: In the event that you tally up the letters in your name and the total comes out to be either 11, 22, or 33, you should not reduce the numbers and stop the calculation. These are the three Master numbers, which can bring a dimension of difficulty to the personality you are uncovering or the subject of numerology that you are researching. Master Numbers should be left in their double-digit form. There is a distinct personality explanation for each of these three numbers.
Reduce to a Single Digit: If necessary, reduce the total to a single digit by adding the digits together. 
Using our example;
Reducing to a single digit: 29 = 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2

Interpret the Result: Your Chaldean name number reveals unique insights into your personality and characteristics.
Using our example;
Chaldean Name Number for Miley Cyrus: 2

Gaining Personal Insights of Your Name Number

Numerology offers an interesting prism through which to investigate the qualities, destiny, and life path of individuals based on their name number. Once you have discovered your name number, check it against the below numerology chart to learn more about yourself. Whether you were named with a numerology result in mind or by accident, understanding your number sign may provide insight into your personality.[numerology alphabet number chart]

  • Number 1: Individuality, ambition, leadership, and self-confidence. Individuals with this number often strive for independence and success.
  • Number 2: Sensitivity, cooperation, diplomacy, and intuition. Those with this number excel in partnerships and have a keen sense of empathy.
  • Number 3: Creativity, enthusiasm, optimism, and self-expression. People with this number are often artistic and enjoy bringing joy to others.
  • Number 4: Practicality, stability, discipline, and hard work. Individuals with this number are diligent and reliable, often serving as pillars of support.
  • Number 5: Freedom, versatility, adventure, and adaptability. Those with this number crave excitement and change, often seeking new experiences.
  • Number 6: Romance, nurturing, Luxury, and family. People with this number prioritize their loved ones and strive for balance in their relationships.
  • Number 7: Introspection, spirituality, wisdom, and analytical thinking. Individuals with this number are introspective and seek deeper truths.
  • Number 8: Ambition, success, materialism, and authority. Those with this number are driven to achieve wealth and influence.
  • Number 9: Humanitarianism, compassion, idealism, and spiritual enlightenment. Individuals with this number are concerned with the welfare of others and seek to make a positive impact on the world.

Practical Applications

Numerology, with its insightful interpretations and guidance, can be applied in various aspects of life, offering valuable perspectives and aiding decision-making processes. Here are some practical ways where you can utilize numerology your name numbers:

Career Choices: Use your name number to gain insights into career paths that align with your strengths and interests. For example, if your name number suggests strong leadership qualities, consider pursuing roles that involve managerial responsibilities.[numerology alphabet number chart]

Major Life Decisions: When faced with significant life choices such as moving to a new city or starting a family, consult your name number to understand the potential outcomes and make informed decisions that resonate with your life path.

Communication Styles: Use numerology to gain insights into communication styles based on name numbers. For example, individuals with name numbers emphasizing diplomacy may excel in resolving conflicts peacefully.

Setting Goals: Incorporate your name number insights into goal-setting strategies, aligning personal aspirations with your inherent strengths and attributes.

Mindfulness Practices: Reflect on daily experiences through the lens of numerology, recognizing patterns and opportunities for personal growth based on your name number’s traits.

Which Numerology is More Accurate

Determining which numerology system is more accurate, whether Chaldean or Pythagorean, is subjective and depends on various factors including personal preference, cultural background, and the specific context in which numerology is being used.

The Pythagorean system is more commonly used in Western numerology, while the Chaldean system has roots in ancient Babylonian and Middle Eastern traditions. While the Pythagorean system is celebrated for its simplicity and straightforwardness, the Chaldean chart is prized for its depth offering insights into the more nuanced vibrational aspects of numbers and their cosmic connections.

Some individuals may find that one system resonates more with them or provides more accurate insights based on their experiences. It is also worth noting that different numerologists may have varying interpretations and methodologies within each system which can influence the perceived accuracy of readings.[numerology alphabet number chart]

Ultimately, the accuracy of numerology readings depends on the skill, experience, and intuition of the practitioner, as well as the openness and receptivity of the individual seeking guidance. It’s essential to approach numerology with an open mind and use it as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth rather than relying solely on it for making important life decisions.


Exploring the numerology alphabet number chart offers a profound journey into understanding oneself and navigating life’s complexities with greater clarity and purpose. By delving into the depths of numerology, individuals unlock a treasure trove of insights and guidance that can shape their personal growth and decision-making processes.

As you embark on your numerological journey, remember that numerology is not a rigid set of rules but a dynamic tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Each calculation and interpretation offers possibilities rather than certainties, inviting you to explore and interpret your experiences in light of numerological insights.

Small Assignment For Our Readers

Are you curious about what your name number reveals about you? Take the first step on your numerological journey by calculating your own name number using the alphabet number chart provided in this guide. Unlock the hidden meanings encoded within your name and gain valuable insights into your personality, strengths, and life path.

After calculating your name number, we invite you to share your insights, questions, or experiences in the comments below. Let us engage in a vibrant discussion and learn from each other’s perspectives on numerology and its profound impact on our lives.

Numerology Alphabet Number Chart – FAQs

Why is understanding the significance of my name important in numerology?

Understanding the significance of your name in numerology allows you to uncover hidden insights about your personality, destiny, and life path. Your name carries vibrational energies that can provide valuable guidance in decision-making and self-discovery.

How accurate are numerology readings?

The accuracy of numerology readings can vary depending on the practitioner’s skill, interpretation methods, and the depth of analysis. While some people find numerology readings to be highly accurate and insightful, others may view them as more general or subjective. It’s essential to approach numerology with an open mind and consider it as one of many tools for self-reflection and personal growth.

Can numerology predict the future?

Numerology does not predict the future in the same way that traditional fortune-telling methods might. Instead, it offers insights into current energies and tendencies based on numerical calculations. While numerology can provide guidance and illuminate potential paths, it’s important to remember that the future is influenced by various factors, including free will and external circumstances.

How do I know which numerology system, Chaldean or Pythagorean, is more accurate?

Determining the accuracy of a numerology system is subjective and depends on personal preference and resonance. Both Chaldean and Pythagorean systems offer unique insights, and individuals may find that one resonates more with them based on their experiences and cultural background.

Do I need to change my name for numerology to work?

No, changing your name is not necessary for numerology to work. Numerology can provide insights into your current name as well as any previous or potential names. However, some individuals may choose to adopt a different name based on numerological considerations if they feel it aligns better with their desired path or personal growth.

Is numerology a form of astrology?

While numerology and astrology both explore cosmic influences on human life, they are distinct practices with different methodologies. Numerology focuses on the significance of numbers and their vibrations, while astrology examines celestial bodies’ positions and their impact on individuals’ personalities and destinies.

Can numerology be used to improve relationships or career decisions?

Yes, numerology can be applied to various aspects of life, including relationships and career decisions. By understanding your own numerological profile and those of others, you can gain insights into compatibility, communication styles, and potential career paths that align with your strengths and interests. However, it’s important to consider numerology as just one factor among many when making important life decisions.

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Hey there, I'm Arun Prabhu, your friendly neighborhood digital marketer with a secret superpower: I'm a numerology ninja! 🕵️‍♂️ By day, I'm decoding algorithms and crafting killer marketing strategies, but by night, I'm crunching numbers and revealing the mysteries of the universe (well, at least the numerical ones). With a background in engineering and a knack for understanding the quirks of human behavior, I stumbled upon numerology over a decade ago and haven't looked back since. Think of me as your digital marketing guru meets numerology nerd – a rare breed, indeed! When I'm not busy analyzing data or deciphering the hidden meanings behind your birth date, you can find me cracking jokes (most of them are even funny!), exploring the latest memes, and trying to convince my friends that I can predict the future with just a calculator and some cosmic vibes. Join me on this wild ride through the world of digital marketing and numerology – who knows, we might just uncover the meaning of life (or at least why your Instagram ads keep following you everywhere)!

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