LO SHU GRID Repeating Number 8 – Impact and Remedies

The Lo Shu grid has the concept of repeating numbers, where a specific number appears more than once. These repetitions can have significant implications, often highlighting key strengths or challenges that an individual might face. In this blog, we will discuss Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8, with remedies.

The number 8 in numerology is associated with wealth, power, and the drive to achieve great things. However, like all numbers in numerology, it carries both positive and negative vibrations, depending on how it is balanced within the grid.

As a numerologist with over a decade of experience and having analyzed more than 50,000 birth dates using the Lo Shu Grid, I will share insights and practical advice to help you harness the power of the number 8 effectively. If you have one, two, or even more 8s in your grid, you need to know what they mean in order to achieve your full potential.

8 in Lo Shu Grid

Sharp Decision-Making Skills

You are likely to be a quick and effective decision-maker.

Whether in personal or professional situations, your ability to assess situations and make informed choices sets you apart.

This decisiveness often earns you respect from others who appreciate your ability to lead with confidence.
Financial Acumen

One of the most prominent traits associated with a single 8 is strong financial literacy.

You have a natural understanding of the value of money and are adept at managing finances.

This skill not only helps you in accumulating wealth but also in making wise investments and avoiding financial pitfalls. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Hard Work and Discipline

A single 8 in your grid suggests that you are a diligent worker who understands the importance of perseverance.

However, it’s essential to keep yourself occupied, as inactivity can lead to bouts of laziness.

Staying engaged in productive activities will help you maintain your momentum and continue to progress toward your goals.
Independent Thinking

You prefer to follow the concept of "I listen to everyone, but do what my mind tells me to."

This independent streak allows you to consider various perspectives but ultimately trust your intuition and judgment.

It’s a trait that can lead to success, especially when making important decisions.
Leadership and Management Skills

The presence of an 8 also indicates strong managerial abilities.

Whether it’s handling money or leading a team, you have the capacity to manage resources efficiently and complete tasks with precision.

This makes you an effective leader who can navigate challenges and achieve objectives with ease.
Patience and Delays

Although you possess a strong work ethic and determination, you might come across obstacles that could slow down your progress towards achieving your goals.

These delays can be frustrating, but they also teach you the value of patience.

Ultimately, your persistence will pay off, and the rewards of your efforts will come to fruition. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Dual Nature of Life

The two circles in the number 8 symbolize a dual approach to life.

On one hand, you can be entirely practical, focused on tangible outcomes and realistic goals.

On the other hand, there may be times when you lean towards spiritual or religious beliefs, finding guidance in your faith.

This duality allows you to navigate different aspects of life with a balanced perspective.

ALSO READ: LO SHU GRID Repeating Number 1 Prediction [WITH REMEDIES]

88 in Lo Shu Grid

Strong Decision-Making Abilities

If you have two 8s in your Lo Shu grid, you are an excellent decision-maker, particularly when it comes to significant matters.

You have a knack for making important decisions swiftly and confidently.

On one hand, your ability to make important decisions is excellent. However, on the other hand, you may struggle with making simple, everyday decisions.
Love for Challenges

The presence of double 8s fuels your love for challenges.

You excel on tackling difficult tasks and pushing your limits, finding excitement in the process.

This drive makes you resilient and often leads to success in ventures where others might falter.
Likely Inheritance

There is a strong possibility that you may inherit property or other assets from your parents.

This inheritance could play a significant role in your financial stability and success, adding to your wealth over time. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Exceptional Intelligence

Two 8s also indicate a high level of intelligence.

You are blessed with sharp mental faculties and the ability to use your brain power effectively.

This intelligence not only helps you in your career but also in navigating complex life situations.
Independent Decision-Making

You tend to trust your own instincts, even though you are open to hearing advice and suggestions from others.

This habit of doing what your mind and heart tell you, even when it goes against external opinions, can sometimes strain relationships.

However, your strong interpersonal skills usually help you maintain these connections despite any disagreements.
High-Paid Positions

You are probably going to find yourself in jobs that pay well because of your outstanding financial awareness and decision-making abilities.

Your ability to manage wealth and finances makes you a valuable asset in any role that requires financial oversight or strategic planning.
Multiple Income Streams

The influence of double 8s often leads to multiple sources of income.

You might end up with several bank accounts, investments, or businesses, all contributing to your financial growth.

This diversity in income streams adds to your financial security and success.
Resilient Nature

You are described as a “hard nut to crack.”

This resilience means that you can withstand challenges and pressure without breaking down.

It’s a quality that serves you well in both personal and professional life, enabling you to overcome obstacles that might derail others. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Financial Expertise

Your financial literacy is exceptional, making you well-suited for roles that involve managing wealth and finances.

People often seek your financial advice, and your insights are typically productive and beneficial.

This expertise further enhances your ability to succeed in high-level financial positions.
The Habit of Forgetfulness with Money

You might have the strange habit of putting money in different places and then forgetting about it.

This tendency, while not harmful, adds a unique aspect to your personality, reflecting both your abundance mentality and a slight detachment from material possessions.

ALSO READ: Lo Shu Grid Missing Numbers and Powerful Remedies

888 in Lo Shu Grid

Exceptional Hard Work and Perseverance

If you have three 8s, you are naturally hardworking and determined.

Challenges don’t intimidate you; instead, they motivate you to push forward with even greater resolve.

You have a relentless drive to succeed and are willing to put in the effort required to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

Giving up is simply not in your nature.
Firm Ideologies and Stubbornness

Once you form a belief or ideology, it becomes deeply ingrained in your mind.

You hold onto your convictions with great tenacity and are unlikely to change your stance, even in the face of opposing opinions.

This steadfastness defines who you are, but it can also be perceived as stubbornness by others.

While this trait can be a source of strength, it’s important to remain open to new perspectives to avoid unnecessary conflicts. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Early Life Challenges with Later Rewards

The triple 8s often indicate that the early phases of your life may be filled with challenges and hard work.

However, these difficulties are not without reward.

The perseverance and resilience you develop during these times lay the foundation for significant success and prosperity in the later stages of your life.

Your efforts will eventually be rewarded, leading to a more comfortable and fulfilling existence.
Strong-Willed and Independent

You are likely to be very independent in your decision-making.

If advice or suggestions from others don’t align with your views, you are inclined to disregard them entirely.

This strong-willed nature can sometimes make it difficult for others to influence you, but it also ensures that you stay true to your own path and principles.
Money-Conscious and Wealth Accumulation

Having three 8s in your grid makes you highly conscious of money and financial security.

You possess a strong desire to accumulate wealth and are likely to develop habits that support this goal, such as saving more and spending less.

This focus on building wealth is a central part of your identity, driving you to make financial decisions that ensure long-term stability. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Desire for Luxury and Status

As you begin to accumulate wealth, you may develop a preference for luxury items that reflect your financial success.

These possessions become symbols of your status and achievements, serving as tangible representations of the hard work and effort you’ve invested in your life.

While you enjoy the finer things in life, your appreciation for luxury is deeply connected to your journey of financial growth and success.

ALSO READ: [LO SHU GRID PREDICTIONS]: Make Your Lo Shu Grid Numeroscope

8888 in Lo Shu Grid

Affinity for Occult Sciences

The presence of four 8s suggests a natural inclination toward the occult sciences.

This could be an area where you not only find deep interest but also significant financial success.

Engaging in numerology, astrology, or other metaphysical practices can bring you great intellectual and financial rewards.
Fascination with Money

You are likely to find the concept of money absolutely fascinating.

This fascination isn’t just superficial. You have a natural talent for making and managing money.

Your financial acumen is sharp, and you are skilled at identifying lucrative opportunities.

Money management comes easily to you, and you are often seen as a financial guru by those around you. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Adaptability and Embrace of Change

With four 8s, you possess a unique ability to accept changes easily and adapt to new circumstances.

This adaptability allows you to continuously evolve your methods and strategies in life.

You’re not afraid to switch things up when necessary, and this flexibility often leads to new and innovative ways of achieving success.
Prone to Distractions

The combination of four 8s tends to lead to distraction.

You may find yourself easily sidetracked by new ideas, opportunities, or experiences, which can pull you away from your primary goals.

Being aware of this tendency is crucial, as it allows you to take proactive steps to stay focused and avoid the pitfalls of distraction.
Challenges in Relationships

Your marriage or romantic relationships may face significant challenges.

The intense energy of four 8s can sometimes create friction in personal relationships, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts.

It’s important to be mindful of these potential issues and work actively to maintain harmony and understanding with your partner.
Risk of Unconducive Environments

Another critical aspect of having four 8s is the potential to find yourself in unconducive environments or associations with individuals who may not have your best interests at heart.

This combination could lead to involvement in situations that are detrimental to your well-being, including legal troubles or significant financial losses.

It’s essential to remain vigilant about the company you keep and the environments you immerse yourself in, as prolonged exposure to negative influences can have serious consequences. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]

Remedies for Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8

If you find the number 8 in your Lo Shu grid more than twice, follow the remedies listed below.

Surround Yourself with Success

One of the most effective ways to channel the energy of multiple 8s is by associating with successful people.

Surround yourself with individuals who have achieved the goals you aspire to.

You can get ideas and direction for your own path to success by looking at their habits, attitude, and strategies.

This approach is particularly beneficial if you ever feel aimless or uncertain about your direction.
Saturday Donations

Saturday is traditionally associated with the planet Saturn, which is linked to the number 8 in numerology.

Consider making donations on Saturdays to appease and balance the energy of Saturn.

Items such as black sesame seeds, whole black gram, mustard oil, black blankets, black cloth, and iron items like a griddle or tongs are recommended.

These offerings are believed to reduce the potentially negative influences of the number 8 and bring stability and protection into your life.
Avoid Wearing Blue Sapphire and Black Clothes

Blue sapphire is often linked to wealth and power, but people who have a lot of 8s in their Lo Shu Grid might not always benefit from it.

It’s advisable to avoid wearing blue sapphire and black clothes, as these can amplify the already intense energy of the number 8, potentially leading to an imbalance.

Choose for lighter and more calming colors to bring a sense of peace and balance. [Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8]
Use Crystals for Grounding and Positive Energy

Crystals are powerful tools for balancing energy.

If you have more than two 8s in your Lo Shu Grid, using specific crystals into your daily routine can help you stay grounded and attract positive energy. Consider the following crystals:

Green Aventurine: Known for promoting prosperity and wealth, Green Aventurine helps to balance the desire for material success with a sense of well-being.

Hematite: This grounding stone helps to absorb negative energy and calm a troubled mind, making it ideal for those with an excess of 8 energy.

Citrine: Often referred to as the "merchant's stone," Citrine is excellent for attracting abundance and financial success.

Smoky Quartz: A powerful grounding and detoxifying stone, Smoky Quartz can help release negativity and keep you focused on your goals.

Pyrite: Also known as "Fool's Gold," Pyrite is associated with wealth and protection, helping to enhance your financial situation.

Black Tourmaline: This stone offers protection against negative energies and helps to keep you grounded, especially when dealing with intense energy from multiple 8s.

Implementing these remedies into your life can help you balance the powerful energy of repeating 8s in your Lo Shu Grid, allowing you to harness its potential for success while mitigating any negative influences.


The number 8 holds immense significance within the Lo Shu Grid, exerting a powerful influence over various aspects of life. 

In my experience, I have noticed that the energy of the number 8 can result in significant accomplishments, but it also requires a sense of equilibrium and mindfulness. 

The remedies mentioned, including surrounding oneself with accomplished individuals, making intended donations on Saturdays, and utilizing specific crystals, offer practical ways to balance the powerful energy of multiple 8s and address any potential obstacles. 

These insights and remedies have proven effective for many of my clients, helping them harness the power of 8 while navigating its complexities. Applying these principles will help you align with the positive aspects of the number 8 and lead to a more balanced and successful life.

The knowledge gained from my years of practice can serve as a guide, offering valuable tools to manage and maximize the energy of 8 in your life.

Lo Shu Grid Repeating Number 8 – FAQs

What does it mean if I have the number 8 appearing once in my Lo Shu Grid?

Having the number 8 appear once in your Lo Shu Grid signifies that you are likely to be a decisive and practical individual with strong financial skills. You are efficient in managing tasks and money, but you may experience delays in achieving your goals. This single 8 brings a focus on hard work and self-reliance, though it’s essential to remain proactive and avoid falling into laziness.

How does having two 8s in the Lo Shu Grid affect my life and personality?

If the number 8 appears twice in your Lo Shu Grid, it enhances your decision-making abilities and financial expertise. You are likely to embrace challenges and excel in high-paying positions. However, you may prefer to rely on your own judgment rather than external advice, which can affect your relationships. Additionally, this combination suggests that you may have multiple sources of income or financial accounts.

What are the implications of having three 8s in my Lo Shu Grid?

With three 8s in your Lo Shu Grid, you are characterized by an exceptional work ethic and a strong commitment to your beliefs. You are likely to face early-life challenges that require significant effort but will lead to substantial rewards later on. This configuration also indicates a strong focus on accumulating wealth, sometimes leading to stubbornness in your views and a preference for luxurious possessions.

What challenges might arise from having four 8s in the Lo Shu Grid?

Four 8s in your Lo Shu Grid amplify the number’s attributes, resulting in a high level of financial savvy and adaptability. However, you may encounter challenges such as a tendency toward distraction, difficulties in relationships, and the potential for involvement with negative influences or risky environments. It’s important to be cautious about the company you keep and to remain focused on your goals to mitigate these risks.

What remedies can help balance the energy of multiple 8s in my Lo Shu Grid?

To balance the energy of multiple 8s, consider the following remedies:
Associate with successful individuals and learn from their paths to success.
Make donations on Saturdays, such as black sesame seeds, whole black gram, mustard oil, black cloth, and iron items.
Avoid wearing blue sapphire and black clothes.
Use crystals like Green Aventurine, Hematite, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Pyrite, and Black Tourmaline to promote grounding and positive energy.

Can having multiple 8s in my Lo Shu Grid affect my personal relationships?

Yes, multiple 8s can impact personal relationships. The intense energy associated with four 8s, in particular, may lead to conflicts or difficulties in maintaining harmony in your romantic or personal relationships. Being aware of this tendency and actively working on communication and understanding with your partner can help manage and mitigate these challenges.

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Hello! I’m Arun Prabhu, a dedicated numerologist with a passion for uncovering the secrets of the universe through the power of numbers. Through my extensive experience in Numerology and Occult Sciences spanning over 14 years, I have successfully assisted more than 20,000 individuals worldwide in resolving various challenges related to personal matters, careers, business, relationships, and finances. As a Certified Numerologist, my mission is to guide you on a path to success and fulfillment by revealing the hidden truths within your life’s numbers.

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